Monday 11 September 2017

Paintbox Yarn Review

"The Candy Shop" Colour Pack
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I am a self confessed yarn fiend. You probably are too, don't deny it! I love yarn. Good yarn. I can spend ages picking yarn for a project. Or hours dreaming up the perfect project for a particularly scrumptious yarn or colour. I am also a self confessed yarn snob. I don't use anything but the best quality yarns for my designs, whether they are to be gifted to a loved one or just sitting on a shelf with the rest of my personal project collection. Good quality yarn doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't have to be a particular blend either. Acrylic yarn can be just as viable as pure cotton blends for a truly professional finish - you just have to find the right brand!

I'm a 27 year old pattern designer from Scotland! I love designing cute, crocheted toys. This blog documents my journey in pattern design, come follow me and pick up every new pattern I design for free along the way!

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