Tuesday 27 October 2015

Home-Start Snowflake Appeal

Would you like to crochet this beautiful snowflake and help a good cause at the same time? My friends at Three Bears Yarn have teamed up with LoveCrochet.com and Kirstie Allsopp to support Home-Start - a charity that supports underprivileged families all across the UK. Last Christmas Home-Start were unable to help around 2000 families because they simply did not have the funds. This year they want to be able to support every family that needs them and have reached out to the crochet community for help. Read on to find out how you can get involved with this wonderful cause!

How will supporting Home-Start make a difference?

We all know how bumpy family life can be - when things get serious, when everyday life goes wrong, it can be very difficult to manage and that’s when Home-Start steps in.

Isolation, illness, disability and poverty are just a few of the reasons that families struggle. Home-Start volunteers are parents themselves, who want to help, not judge - and thousands of families all over the UK have benefited from their kindness and support. In fact, Home-Start supported more than 70,000 children last year. But there were still thousands they couldn't reach.

Let's make Christmas 2015 different. You can make sure Home-Start helps ALL the children in families who need help by donating whatever you can to their Snowflake Appeal.

Why a snowflake?

Each child is unique, special and fragile - just like a snowflake. This year we need 30,000 snowflakes to give to the children and families that Home-Start supports to hang on their Christmas trees. If you send a snowflake to Home-Start by the 16th November, Kirstie and the team will display all of them at the Christmas Handmade Fair at Manchester Central on the 20th - 22nd November. Wouldn't it be cool to have your snowflake hanging up among thousands? Each and every one uniquely handmade by one of your fellow supporters?

After the fair, the snowflakes will be lovingly distributed to the families Home-Start helps all over the UK, to hang on their Christmas trees & remind them that they not alone.

Crochet a snowflake and help a family in need! Please send any donated snowflakes to: 
Snowflake Appeal, 8 - 10 West Walk, Leicester, LE1 7NA.

How can I get involved?

You can purchase the FREE crochet snowflake kit here. The kit includes a hook, yarn and the pattern which have been donated to the cause by LoveCrochet, Three Bears Yarn & Bella Coco. All they ask is £1 to cover postage and perhaps a small donation (optional) that will go directly to Home-Start. I've purchased my own kit and made a small donation. If you'd like to see my finished snowflake I'll be posting pictures on my Instagram page soon.
OR: You can use your own yarn to crochet a snowflake. This is probably the better option if you live outside of the UK. Please send any donated snowflakes to: Snowflake Appeal, 8 - 10 West Walk, Leicester, LE1 7NA. You also can make a donation to Home-Start here. Any size, big or small will help.

Where can I find out more?

You can find out more about the snowflake appeal here.
You can find out more about Home-Start and what they do here.


I hope my readers will get involved with this wonderful cause too - let's hook up a (snow) storm and raise some money! Remember to use the hash tag #snowflakeappeal in any social media pictures of your snowflakes!

Julie xxx

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I'm a 27 year old pattern designer from Scotland! I love designing cute, crocheted toys. This blog documents my journey in pattern design, come follow me and pick up every new pattern I design for free along the way!

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